What is DevSecOps? DevSecOps vs DevOps

Delays in production releases have also occurred due to security vulnerabilities under conventional techniques. As a result, several businesses have adopted the DevSecOps methodology to solve this problem. Integrating best practices from the initial phases of development will enable you to have tighter control over the security of the final product.

However, with the rise of DevOps, there is a growing recognition that security must be integrated into the development process if organizations deliver secure software at high velocity. DevSecOps teams use interactive application security testing (IAST) tools to evaluate an application’s potential vulnerabilities in the production environment. IAST consists of special security monitors that run from within the application.


These automated security tests each perform different types of scans, and they can be created manually by the DevSecOps team or obtained through third-party sources. The idea of DevSecOps arose in response to the problems that some organizations were seeing in their initial implementation of DevOps practices. Organizations originally adopted DevOps, which emphasizes ongoing collaboration between development and operations teams, as a strategy to speed up their software-development cycles and improve product quality. This integration into the pipeline requires a new organizational mindset as much as it does new tools. DevSecOps means thinking about application and infrastructure security from the start. It also means automating some security gates to keep the DevOps workflow from slowing down.

How does DevSecOps Work

Traceability enables tracking configuration items throughout the development lifecycle to the point when requirements are realized in code. In DevSecOps, the cybersecurity architects and engineers are integrated into the core development group. They are responsible for applying patches to all necessary components and configuring the stack to prevent unauthorized access and keep sensitive data safe. DevSecOps combines application and infrastructure security into Agile and DevOps processes and tools seamlessly. This is the practice of creating applications and infrastructure with security in mind from the outset. It also involves automating some security checkpoints not to slow down the present DevOps process.

Automate compliance

Application teams need significant autonomy to manage the health of their own applications, but the enterprise at large also needs awareness of the health of applications within it. The decision of which metrics to track is largely based on business need and compliance requirements. High-Value metrics are those that provide the most critical insight into the performance of a DevSecOps platform, and should be prioritized for implementation.

There is a huge risk of being out of compliance with software licenses, which can land you in a complex and expensive intellectual property battle. It is possible that the terms of certain licenses mean that if you use their code, you have to make your whole application code open source! For some companies more than others because of the nature of the software you could be subject to audits of your software; and a failed audit can be subject to steep fines, depending on the industry you’re in. Make provision in the beginning to ensure that security related feedback can be incorporated across iterative sprints and release cycles. DevSecOps means software gets released with a basic level of security built in. But detection of certain vulnerabilities can still require penetration testing.

Developers on AWS

It builds on the DevOps philosophy – and in many ways, it’s the last piece in this puzzle. For example, you could become a developer, a tester, an operations engineer, or a security analyst. Here are some roles advertised in DevSecOps environments and their average annual salaries. A DevOps engineer has a unique combination of skills and expertise that enables collaboration, innovation, and cultural shifts within an organization. Powerful DevOps software to build, deploy, and manage security-rich, cloud-native apps across multiple devices, environments, and clouds. Companies might encounter the following challenges when introducing DevSecOps to their software teams.

How does DevSecOps Work

By automating security, DevSecOps tools give developers fast feedback, right when they need it. This increases delivery speed, because (as above) the sooner a bug is found, the faster (and cheaper) it is to fix. Overall, this new security context led organizations to realize that they needed to prioritize application security in every stage of the development process, in coordination with DevOps practices. Whether you call it “DevOps” or “DevSecOps,” it has always been ideal to include security as an integral part of the entire app life cycle. DevSecOps is about built-in security, not security that functions as a perimeter around apps and data. If security remains at the end of the development pipeline, organizations adopting DevOps can find themselves back to the long development cycles they were trying to avoid in the first place.

Article sources

If you want to take full advantage of the agility and responsiveness of DevOps, IT security must play a role in the full life cycle of your apps. As the vice president of enterprise architecture and technology strategy at Discover Financial Services, I think about this question often as we work to design our tech stack. I’ve come to believe that technology teams in regulated industries need to move beyond DevSecOps and embrace what I’ll term DevSecRegOps. The process of converting your business to a DevSecOps environment is a significant undertaking that is fraught with both anticipated and unanticipated challenges.

When you work in DevSecOps, you’ll bring security to the heart of software development and deployment. You’ll need an understanding of the organization’s development and operational side and will have programming and infrastructure knowledge to ensure that security becomes a vital part of the software lifecycle. To get a DevSecOps job, you’ll need to demonstrate both technical and workplace competencies that map to your target role. DevSecOps introduces cybersecurity processes from the beginning of the development cycle.

Develop new features securely

This ensures security is applied consistently across the environment, as the environment changes and adapts to new requirements. A mature implementation of DevSecOps will have a solid automation, configuration management, orchestration, containers, immutable infrastructure, and even serverless compute environments. A key benefit of DevSecOps is how quickly it manages newly identified security vulnerabilities.

  • It is the management of infrastructure components (subnets, networks, servers, databases, services, etc.) through code.
  • However, with DevSecOps, security is incorporated into continuous integration and development (CI/CD).
  • The name „DevSecOps“ is an amalgamation of „development“, „security“, and „operations“.
  • The decision of which metrics to track is largely based on business need and compliance requirements.
  • When you integrate DevSecOps and DevOps, every developer and network administrator has security at the front of their mind when developing and deploying applications.

With DevSecOps, software teams can automate security tests and reduce human errors. It also prevents the security assessment from being a bottleneck in the development process. Creating a development culture that embraces compliance starts with executive buy-in, comprehensive training across teams, and processes and tests that assess and enforce regulatory compliance culture. Creating and enforcing these expectations across your team of architects is imperative to ensuring regulatory compliance. As a practice, DevSecOps is a way to engrain practices in your SDLC that ensures security becomes a shared responsibility throughout the IT lifecycle.

Rapid, cost-effective software delivery

DevSecOps is an iteration of DevOps in the sense that DevSecOps has taken the DevOps model and wrapped security as an additional layer to the continual development and operations process. Instead of looking at security as an afterthought, agile development devsecops DevSecOps pulls in Application Security teams early to fortify the development process from a security and vulnerability mitigation perspective. DevSecOps approaches integrate security into the operational and development processes.

Cybersecurity Research Center

This new way of thinking about security is a natural response to the increasing cybersecurity threats emerging in the corporate landscape. ISO27001, the international standard for information security, recently updated its standards and controls to reflect this new landscape and the need to be more conscious of cybersecurity. The DevSecOps industry was estimated to be worth $2.79 billion in 2020, and the prediction is that the niche will see a growth rate of 24.1 percent between 2021 to 2028 [1].

Logging, Monitoring, and Alerting

As a result, users experience minimal disruption and greater security after the application is produced. DevSecRegOps takes DevSecOps a step further by ensuring security and regulatory demands are the responsibility of every team at key development steps of the IT lifecycle. In GSA IT, we examine how Agile and DevSecOps address different aspects of the delivery process. DevSecOps mandates the automation of security throughout the development and delivery cycle. A variety of tools have become available to harden the CI/CD pipeline.For example, if the pipeline builds containers, then the containers can be hardened immediately afterwards.

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